NZ語学研修は、食物栄養学科2年生の希望者が参加できる1か月間のプログラムで、現地の家庭にホームステイし、午前中は語学学校に通い、午後にはニュージーランドならではの活動(アクティビティ)を体験します。食物栄養学科ということで、料理教室など、食べ物に関するアクティビティがあるのが特徴で、今回の話題はそのなかのひとつ、スーパーマーケットで現地の食材を探索する『スーパーマーケット栄養学ツアー(a supermarket nutritional tour)』の様子です。
During the Department of Food and Nutrition’s study abroad to Auckland, New Zealand last February, the students took part in a supermarket nutritional tour. They learned about current trends in food, food labeling, and answered various questions about products. One trend was vegetarian and vegan food. There was an entire section dedicated to the wide variety of products that targeted these health-conscious shoppers and were clearly labeled. Students also learned about New Zealand’s Health Star Ratings which rate the overall nutrition content and healthiness of packaged foods- the more stars the healthier the food. Finally, students answered a variety of questions some of which asked them to find the nutritional value of products. It was great to see the students apply the knowledge they have gained through their studies at Senri Kinran University in an all English environment.